Jinlong Li (李金龙)
CS PhD in Cleveland State University
Email: lijinlong1117@gmail.com (prior);      j.li56@vikes.csuohio.edu
[Google Scholar] [GitHub] [ResearchGate] [ORCID] [Notion] [Resume]

Address: FH 311, Department of CS, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH 44115, USA
News | Selected Works | About Me | Education and Intern | Publications | Services

About Me

Focusing on the innovative and practical solutions for real-world interdisciplinary researches by combining different methods. Currently, I focus on the following research topics:


Education and Intern

Selected Works

Light the Night: A Multi-Condition Diffusion Framework for Unpaired Low-Light Enhancement in Autonomous Driving

Jinlong Li, Baolu Li, Zhengzhong Tu, Xinyu Liu, Qing Guo, Felix Juefei-Xu, Runsheng Xu, Hongkai Yu
CVPR 2024 [Paper] [Code]
"We propose the Lighting Diffusion to enhance low-light camera images for autonomous driving, mitigating the need for extensive nighttime data collection and preserving daytime performance."

Breaking Data Silos: Cross-Domain Learning for Multi-Agent Perception from Independent Private Sources

Jinlong Li, Baolu Li, Xinyu Liu, Runsheng Xu, Jiaqi Ma, Hongkai Yu
ICRA 2024 [Paper] [Code]
"This work proposes the first research on multi-agent perception to address the Distribution Gap of different independent private data for training distinct agents."

AdvGPS: Adversarial GPS for Multi-Agent Perception Attack

Jinlong Li, Baolu Li, Xinyu Liu, Jianwu Fang, Felix Juefei-Xu, Qing Guo, Hongkai Yu
ICRA 2024 [Paper] [Code]
"This work proposes the first research of adversarial GPS signals which are also stealthy for the V2V cooperative perception attacks."

S2R-ViT for multi-agent cooperative perception: Bridging the gap from simulation to reality

Jinlong Li, Runsheng Xu, Xinyu Liu, Baolu Li, Qin Zou, Jiaqi Ma, Hongkai Yu
ICRA 2024 [Paper] [Code]
"This work proposes the first Simulation-to-Reality transfer learning framework for multi-agent cooperative perception."

Learning for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Cooperative Perception under Lossy Communication

Jinlong Li, Runsheng Xu, Xinyu Liu, Jin Ma, Zicheng Chi, Jiaqi Ma, Hongkai Yu
Trans on Intelligent Vehicles 2023 [Paper] [Code]
"This work proposes the first research on V2V cooperative perception under lossy communication."

V2V4Real: A large-scale real-world dataset for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Cooperative Perception

Runsheng Xu, Xin Xia, Jinlong Li, Hanzhao Li, Shuo Zhang, Zhengzhong Tu, Zonglin Meng, Hao Xiang, Xiaoyu Dong, Rui Song, Hongkai Yu, Bolei Zhou, Jiaqi Ma
CVPR 2023 Highlight (2.5% of 9155 submissions) [Project] [Paper] [Code]
"This work presents the first large-scale real-world dataset for V2V perception."

Bridging the domain gap for multi-agent perception

Runsheng Xu, Jinlong Li, Xiaoyu Dong, Hongkai Yu, Jiaqi Ma
ICRA 2023 [Paper] [Code]
"The first work to bridge the domain gap for multi-agent perception."
